You obviously haven't read Schulz and de Vienne's bio of Barbour. You made up your mind based on the title. In "watchtower parlance" that marks you as foolish. You are mislead by your tendency to rush to judgment.
Assume some personal responsibility and avoid posts you know will upset you.
A supporter of Penton? Who? Me? Dr. de Vienne? be more specific. I don't see anything on this post that supports Penton - or on de Vienne's blog post.
I have no problem recommending Penton's books. The third edition of Apocalypse Delayed is excellent. First edition not so much. I may not always agree with him, but he as the academic credentials to write the book. So do Schulz and de Vienne. And you? not so much. You make things up and decide you've struck intellectual gold.
If you disagree with Penton or with the content of Schulz and de Vienne's books, support your opinion with some facts. Start with reading the books. Something you so obviously have not done.